Programs & Benefits | Timber Lake West
Campers enjoying s'mores by the bonfire

Programs & Benefits

The camping experience is invaluable to both campers and staff – but only with your efforts, love, energy and enthusiasm. It’s a place where counselors meet new friends, learn about themselves, determine careers, and in some cases, meet their future husband or wife. One thing is certain – it is an experience that will stay with you throughout your lifetime.

Pay Scale

College Year CompletedSalaryTravel AllowanceMax BonusTotal Potential Compensation
College Students$3,000$500$600$4,100
Group Leaders$3,200$500$600$4,300


tennis-3At Timber Lake West, we have developed a very comprehensive evaluation and bonus program. Based on job performance, bunk counselors can earn up to an additional $600 in Bonuses.

Travel Allowance

If you live more than 350 miles away from camp and are an American, you can get up to $500 to help cover your travel expenses. Canadian staff can receive up to $600 to help cover their travel expenses, work visa and SEVIS fee. Make sure you retain all receipts to submit them to our office once you arrive at camp!



Staff Recruiting Bonus Plan

We’re looking for top quality staff for next season and we’d like our returning staff to help us. For every college student that you recruit, we will pay you a cash bonus of $300 at the end of the summer. The staff member that you recruit must complete the summer in order for you to earn your bonus. Please have your friends apply online (and make sure they tell us that you recommended them).